Sunday, June 1, 2014

It's Coming Together!

Whew! It's taken me a while, but I finally have paint on the walls!

I tried a number of sample colors, but couldn't find one that I loved! One was too cheery, another was too taupe… they all had their issues, so finally I decided to mix my own color with the various samples that I had. I finally settled on the green color shown here—I call it "Amazing Grace"*.

*On a side note, Big Goonie was with me at the paint store when they mixed my final color. We agreed that it was a brilliant color and she asked, "Do you think they'll add your color to their collection?" The paint man silently chuckled, and I smiled and replied, "If they did, it would surely be their most popular seller!"
My beautiful ceiling! THANKS, Dad!! 
The green wall looks a little yellow with those fluorescent lights on, but I think you'd agree in person it is quite lovely.
Today I started on the wood trim that will outline the doors and border the floor. I want to restore the woodwork to how it appears in the rest of the house. I can't wait to caulk it and paint it!

Fitting is going well so far!
This area will be next! Hoping to replace this door next spring!
There's my bog ol' dog checking on my progress!
Here's my other door waiting for a little more wood. The weekend just wasn't long enough! Alas, my project is coming together nicely and I couldn't be more pleased!

I want to get this area finished up before I move on—I want to slowly move my way around the room.

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